In all the tools that Chekhov exposed one stands out as essential and all encompassing. Every tool in the technique points to it, the Psychological Gesture. All tools go towards realizing it. The Psychological Gesture is like the flower of the Technique.

This Online class is a direct application of Psychological Gesture into your spoken text. Curiously the Psychological Gesture is created and incorporated with the actor's body in our preparation, but in application it is materially an unseen experience. The gesture is within the actor, it is specific, and has the power to bring a vivid force to any Character's intentions. 

Movement is essential to the presence of life. We work with monologues selected by you to explore the movement of the text through Psychological Gestures, and explore performance of the monologues in class. Come prepared with at least one memorized monologue in your native language. 

This is an Advanced class. Basic Training in Michael Chekhov Technique Required. 


Lenard Petit

Lenard Petit is one of a handful of teachers trained by the original members of Michael Chekhov’s Theater School. He is a founding member of the Michael Chekhov Association, MICHA, and the Director of the Michael Chekhov Acting Studio in New York City since its inception in 1996. Author of Michael Chekhov Handbook, for the Actor, he has been working in the theater for forty years collaborating with other artists to create original works for stage, film and television...

  • This class meets the 6 Wednesdays (Space is limited.)


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